Sunday, October 13, 2013

I should sue...

THE 13! 

Now to select which 
thirteen that truly is...

Reasons to sue vary wildly 
-there are, at least, thirteen- 
and whether "we got a case" 
(or thirteen cases - yeah) 
is not for sure at all... 

Just be glad I picked 
a Sunday the 13th 
(not Friday the 13th) 
to, ah, explore the possibilities 
and opportunities... here! 

You never want to say 
"I should have sued" 
after all... eh? 

Friday, September 13, 2013

I should sue...


See - it causes all sorts of mischief 
it begat... all of the following: 

I'll take the 13th... 
it's for a gift! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

We Should Sue... Peggy Sue!

...for having failed so badly to truly live up 
to the great legacy... of Buddy!

Buddy Holly wouldn't have sued - I know. 
Can't believe Peggy Lee never did though!